New Life News Fall 2024


As we transition into fall, a season of change, I am reminded of the message found in Romans 6:4: “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” Walking in the newness of life is a daily journey of faith and hope. It is about letting go in order to make room for new growth, allowing the transformative power of Christ’s love to renew our hearts and minds. As the leaves change color and the air grows crisp, we are reminded of the ever-present opportunity for renewal and growth in our own lives and in our community. With your help, we are able to encourage growth and new life in the individuals and families we serve. We protect the lives of the unborn children by loving and supporting their moms and dads as we show them the inherent value of the life within their mother’s womb. We welcome the babies of the next generation through Holy Family Prenatal Care. We witness remarkable transformations in the lives of the teens we serve in our local junior high and high schools, who leave our classes with a new perspective and hope for the future. We strengthen couples and families as they create a beautiful life and learn to grow together. As we continue walking together with you, may we all be inspired to better live out the message of Romans 6:4, allowing God’s transformative power to work through us, bringing hope and light to those we serve. Our work would not be possible without you, our partners. Thank you for your continued support and dedication. Together, we are making a difference, saving babies and changing lives. Blessings, Mike McGraw




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