New Life News Fall 2024


Our perspective on life can be compared to the weaving of a tapestry. It is formed by the many threads that are woven together through our experiences, backgrounds and interactions with the world. Each thread that is added to our tapestry offers a new way to think about our world and the culture in which we live. The information and truth we share through our in-school programs serve as “threads” that are woven into the minds and hearts of young people and help them to form new outlooks about the relationships in their lives and the future. Many of the young people we encounter in our local schools have primarily been exposed to the culture through social media, gaming, music, and online

streaming platforms. Most of these experiences offer a feel-good perspective to life or an escape from reality. The danger in this is oftentimes, our young people are not given enough opportunities that expose them to reality over fantasy. This could be due to a lack of examples when it comes to healthy relationships in their lives or the culture at large, which constantly normalizes unhealthy behavior. The point of reference for what’s real to many of our young people is the opinion of the latest social media influencer. Many aspire to be popular through fitting in and are not challenged to question the influencer for fear of standing out. As we engage the students that we serve, one of our goals is to challenge them to think about

their choices and how those choices have both positive and negative consequences attached to them. These experiences form their perspectives about value and quality of life. We are the still small voice in their noisy worlds. We are the threads that are woven into their minds at a critical time of life and become secured within their story. Truth always stays with you no matter how many lies exist. Truth changes our perspective and wakes up the life inside of us. We are thankful to all of our partners who equip us to be able to pour truth into the lives of this next generation. God is weaving many beautiful tapestries through the prayers and generosity of His people. Let’s continue to offer threads of hope and life-changing truth!

“I always thought my future relationships would be like my parents. They divorced when I was 8 … when you came, you helped me realize the mistakes that they made and it helps me not make them too.” - Xenia High School Student



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