Impact Report 2023



To empower individuals and families to make Godly life choices.

By the grace of God, we humbly labor in the culture of life.

Dear Friends, It is my pleasure to share Elizabeth’s New Life Center’s 2023 annual Impact Report with you. Along with our amazing staff and board of directors, I remain firmly committed to upholding the four pillars of our ministry to strengthen families in our community, as described within these pages. I see on a daily basis the fruits of seeds planted so many years ago and I am blessed to lead such a strong, mission-driven organization. Our mission is to empower individuals and families to make Godly life choices. For those in difficult circumstances, it can be a challenge to cooperate with God’s plan, so we work to surround them with meaningful support so that they can embrace life and love in their families. To all who are our prayer and/or financial partners in this ministry, thank you! Your support enables us to serve women and families in their critical time of need. May the Lord abundantly bless you,

Mike McGraw Executive Director

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